

My name is Marie Israelsson, 48, and live in the country 40 km outside of Sundsvall. I have 14siberian huskies. I love dogs. They are always honests and are living in the present. I was only a little girl when I decided that I am gonna be a musher.

At age 15, I stood on the racetrack for the first time. I came second last. But that did not deter my contestants. Since then I have competed every year.

When the father's first huskies were getting old, he tried to find as good dogs as possible, because he had gotten a taste of racing. A new generation dogs came to the family and I started to win the competitions.

I won the Polar Dog Championships for the first time in 1993, the second time in 1995.

Now I have my own dogs and live with my husband Niklas.

I gladly put up goals with my dog ​​training. Since it is about setting targets but always having the great goal clear to me.

A siberian husky is a sleddog. They love to run. And they are fast and they can run for a long time. Their will tells them: running is the best thing ever - and do not stop!

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15 th

Club Championship Åsarna Sweden

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5 th

Nordic Open Sveg

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10 th

World Championship SVEG

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